"World Book Day," also known as "World Book and Copyright Day," originated from the idea of the International Publishers Association. The proposal was passed from Spain to the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). On November 15, 1995, it was officially established that April 23rd each year would be "World Book Day." The purpose of this day is to encourage more people to read and write. It aims to inspire everyone to respect and appreciate the literary, cultural, scientific, and philosophical giants who have made significant contributions to human civilization and to protect intellectual property.
Every year, more than 100 countries around the world hold various celebrations and book promotion activities for "World Book Day." On April 22nd, the theme event "Enjoy Reading, Embrace the Fragrance of Books, Move Forward and Start Again" was held at the Qiubai Book Garden in the Wujin Banyu Hui Smart Industry Park, hosted by the Changzhou Municipal Bureau of Commerce and organized by the Municipal Council for the Promotion of International Trade, the Municipal Chamber of International Commerce, and the Wujin Green Building Industry Cluster Demonstration Area. During this event, representatives from the Green Building District shared their reading insights.
MEZOLEN's General Manager, Yang Di, also shared his thoughts on reading "Elon Musk: Tesla, SpaceX, and the Quest for a Fantastic Future" at the event: "We can see that the products that ultimately amaze the world are those that conquer customers with their attention to detail. Just like our company, although I know we still have a long way to go, we are striving to innovate in our products and paying attention to detail. Our portable ultrasonic flow meter, for example, was designed with the standard of 'art in industrial products' in mind, both in its appearance and overall design. We know that industrial instruments may not need to be so exquisite, and we also know this increases costs, but we hope to offer our customers a refreshing product experience while maintaining product performance."
"Reading Enriches the Heart, Sharing the Joy of Reading" – reading a good book is like making a friend with a noble person, broadening your mind and gaining new knowledge. To provide a warm, pleasant, and communicative reading atmosphere for our colleagues, MEZOLEN has established a company reading corner. The collection includes industry magazines, management books, books on cognitive enhancement, classic literature, popular novels, and more, allowing employees to borrow and share books during their leisure time.
At the same time, MEZOLEN has issued a reading and book donation initiative to all employees, encouraging everyone to freely share high-quality and unused books and publications, and to help build the most beautiful reading corner together, so that culture and wisdom can continuously extend. In the future, MEZOLEN will continue to improve the development of the reading corner, providing a diverse range of professional literature to facilitate self-improvement, mutual exchange, and growth. This will contribute to building a corporate learning ecosystem and nurturing a learning-oriented workforce.